October 15, 2015 – A live broadcast covering a sporting event is one of the most technically challenging assignments for any production crew, writes Dave Herfert, vice-president sales – Americas, Media Links. Large, demanding global audiences (like those viewing the Olympics and World Cup events) with ever increasing quality expectations create even more pressure to produce a well-choreographed, real-time production. Multiple signals in a wide variety of formats need to be transmitted around the sporting venue, as well as being seamlessly integrated with feeds from a studio or other locations to form a complete broadcast stream.

Increasingly, broadcasters are turning to IP technology in order to simplify their networks by consolidating all their media traffic on a common platform, and to take advantage of the increasing array of video devices that natively support IP.

Managing all of the different signal types and locations can be a daunting task without advanced transport technology. Most media signals need to be encapsulated or adapted to work efficiently over a backbone that carries multiple signals. The Media Links MD8000 IP-based platform has proven itself as an ultra-reliable, high-performance transport system for all types of signals used in live sports or any other form of media networking. Read the article on Sports Video Group Europe…

DOWNLOAD the Media Links Application Note – Unifying Live Sports Production Using IP Technology